April 6, 2017
Mr Feroze Varun Gandhi, MP visited Amul Dairy, Anand on April 6th 2017. Dr. Rathnam, MD, Amul dairy received the guest and took him for a plant visit. He also visited a milk collection centre in a village to understand the operations of Amul. He was highly impressed to see the impact of Amul model to millions of farmers in the villages. He also visited GCMMF & IRMA before visiting Amul. He praised the work done by Dr. Kurien for the rural folks of our country.
Dr. Kurien’s life is a testament to the fact that he dreamt for those who couldn’t dare dream and he served through his endeavour to the last man in society. He was a true Gandhian and will remain a legend for all eternity. Jai hind, Jai Kisan.